Can I please have Marissa Miller's body for just a month?!?! I mean her body is insane! I've always coveted her body and especially her abs. It's soon summer and you know what that means, beach body, beach body, beach body. I am now on day 42 of P90X. Living where the sun is constantly out and skin exposed everywhere, I have always been aware of my body and fitness. Being a California girl I love being active and outdoors. I like to swim, run, bike, rollberblade, play tennis, and hike. And I've always had a gym membership.... until now. I was spoiled by our previous gym, it was like a resort, everything was provided for you towels, lotion, shampoo hair dryers, and they even had a healthy cafe you could buy smoothies and food from, and I loved how wonderfully hard the workouts were in the classes. And when we moved to a new area we were hesitant to join a gym because none of them were as nearly as good as our last. I am not always religious about going to the gym like my husband is, but it is a part of my life and a routine I try to maintain. When I am working out regularly and eating right, and live it up on the weekends I feel the best! Once I get into the swing of things I'm pretty good about keeping on schedule. I couln't go back to 24 hours or LA fitness because I did not get a workout from the classes. The instructors at Lifetime were trained for 6 months and the instructors at 24 hours/ LA fitness take an online course for 6 weeks. I have to give credit to my husband for introducing me to do the
P90X videos, which I was hesitant at first because I didn't think it was for me.
This workout includes: 1) chest and back 2) legs and back 3) shoulders and arms 4) yoga 5) kickboxing
6) pyometrics 7) abs 8) stretching 9) core 10) cardio.
I'd rather be active and workout outdoors than go to the gym and working out on machines. But I do enjoy classes, so long as I don't feel like it's a waste of my time and I actually get a workout. This is how I got to doing P90X from home. It does seem geared more towards men, but there are women in the video too. I get bored easily with workouts, so I need it to be challenging and different each day. It's been nice not having to go to the gym after a hard work day, and working out at home not caring about what to wear to the gym. I can get use to this working out from home. I hear
Tracy Anderson Metamorphosis is good challenging workout as well, so that may have to be my next purchase.... unless I find a gym I like, when I move to SF.
My diet, well I don't really have one other than to eat no refined sugar or refined carbs. I don't believe in diets, it's a lifestyle you choose. Diets just swing you back and forth and it is not healthy. I'm vegetarian, well to be exact, pesscatarian, but just because you are vegetarian doesn't mean that you are a healthy, it REALLY DOESN'T! My vice is sugar and on weekends I let go and have fun with food because I love food too much, but weekdays I try to eat everything natural as possible and no processed foods.