Monday, May 2, 2011

History is made

I haven't had my Dish network for 3 months now, and I don't know how I survived, but it's good for me.  I will be moving soon and thought that it would give more time for me to do "the Artist's way" rather than sitting on my couch passively.  Who am I kidding? I'm dying here..... Thank God I still have the internet.  Anyways, so I didn't get to watch the royal wedding Live.  So the first thing I did this morning on my computer was to read the headlines and videos on the internet.
Who isn't obsessed with the royal wedding?  I've been waiting for this since last November, when William and Kate announced their engagement.  I have to say my mom was a big influence on my obsession with royal families and weddings.   Recently I discovered and was disappointed to find out that the royal family are not the leading rulers of their country, it is more for tradition sake that they have a monarchy.  This slid the silver platter from underneath royalties, but who am I kidding I'm a romantic at heart, so I hate to say it, but royalties still fascinate me.
There was a lot of hype on Kate's wedding gown, than what met my eye. Although, Sarah Burton from Alexander McQueen made her look whimsical, beautiful and elegant. There was no WOW factor.  I'm not exactly sure what I was expecting, maybe somewhat more of a modern princess and a dress we have never seen before. it felt like a safe version of Grace Kelly's dress(which had a lot of oomph). Vivienne Westwood said,"she needed to take more risks on her dress."  Don't get me wrong she was very beautiful bride and royal appropriate and my gosh her waist looks like a barbie doll, but I didn't get thrown back by her dress.  But I do have to give Kate brownies for doing her own makeup, it looked very tasteful.  This brings back memories of how I wish I did my own hair and makeup on my wedding day, and how I payed way too much money for what I got.   Kate's sister Pipa on the other hand had an oomph factor ,she looked stunning! Her white MOH dress clung to her body perfectly and then her green evening gown looked gorgeous on her and showed off her structured arms.  She must of been at the gym a lot, I mean I don't blame the girl. If there were over 48 million viewers watching me,  I'd make sure I'd be at the gym 2 hours a day, at least.   All in all, history was made April 29, 2011 and they look happy. I hope Prince William and Princess Kate a happy life and hope they stay together for a very long time!

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